HIV/HCV Co-infection Conference You might want to learn a lot more about HIV, so you can do everything possible to remain healthy. You also will have to learn to avoid giving HIV to others. Having HIV also can raise your risk of getting certain cancers. HIV not only increases the chance of liver damage but besides, it hastens the liver cancer which may lead to cause damage faster. Hepatitis B in HIV-infected patients is related to a decrease of CD4 T-cell count than HIV-monoinfected folks. Hepatitis C is an indispensable source of hospital admissions and is a leading cause of death among HIV-infected persons. Having hepatitis C won't impact your HIV treatments. It can mean that a person's liver is more sensitive to the effects of HIV medications. The very best thing to do, especially when you have hepatitis C or HIV, is not utilized drugs. Hepatitis Virus is an inflammatory state of the liver resulting from the hepatitis virus. When a simultaneous infection happens, the ge...