Prevention and Control of HBV The three primary types of hepatitis are called hepatitis A, B, and C. Each is brought on by a different virus. A lot more people don't even know they have hepatitis. Hepatitis refers to an inflammatory state of the liver. Autoimmune hepatitis may lead to cirrhosis and liver failure. It is more common in females. In some individuals, it progresses to cirrhosis and end-stage liver failure, and a liver transplant may be necessary. In rare instances, but the infection might cause life-threatening liver failure. It may be entirely asymptomatic and may go unrecognized. The only means to learn in case you own a hepatitis B infection is to find an HBV test. Acute infection with hepatitis B ordinarily does not require treatment. The virus isn't the exact cause of liver damage. However, it is a result of the immune system response. In other words, it continues to reproduce in the person's liver for several months or years after infection. A differe...